Holding the 7th hospital equipment exhibition

سیستم تهویه هوشمند

The 7th hospital equipment exhibition was held on 19th to 22nd December in Tehran International Exhibition.
As in previous years, Shahrokhi Technical Institute was present in this exhibition with a different approach and unveiled its latest achievements in this exhibition.
It should be mentioned that Shahrokhi Iftikhar Technical Institute has the honor of equipping air guidance and control equipment for more than 200 hospitals throughout our dear country. This company has been able to design and produce the products required by the hospital industry, specialized in the air conditioning sector, using experienced technical and engineering staff. It should be mentioned that the special products of Shahrokhi Technical Institute, such as filter boxes, operating room reciprocating valves, manual and motorized channel dampers, vortex valves, integrated wide coil ceiling valves, etc., are used in the construction and equipping of large hospital projects such as hospitals. Milad, Atiyeh 2, Tajrish Martyrs, Tehran Shariati, Mehdi Clinic, etc. have been used.
This year, as in the past, Shahrokhi Technical Institute was able to claim another gold leaf in the field of hospital air conditioning equipment by unveiling a new product.
This enclosure named Laminar Flow was unveiled at the hospital exhibition.
Laminar Flow is the newest product of Shahrokhi Technical Institute
Laminar Flow was one of the products that was well received by visitors and experts in the 7th hospital equipment exhibition.
Laminar Flow meets the air conditioning requirements of operating rooms due to its special features. It should be mentioned that this special and practical product has been purchased and supplied from abroad, but for the first time in Iran, it has been designed and localized by Shahrokhi Technical Institute, which will prevent currency from leaving the country with its mass production.
It is worth noting that this product is made in accordance with the current European standards and has hygienic principles and clean rooms in its portfolio.
You can also visit the website of Shahrokhi Technical Institute and download the catalog of hospital products to get additional information about the Laminarflow product.
Or contact our experts in the sales unit of Shahrokhi Technical Institute.
In the following, you can see a video report of this exhibition.


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