plenum box

The use of a plenum box is necessary and necessary in order to create sufficient mixing of air and uniform distribution of air along the length. Plenum boxes are installed along the top length, with round inlets at intervals of up to 1/2 meter behind linear hatches. Plenum boxes are equipment that are produced with different thicknesses of galvanized sheet and installed behind linear valves. Plenums actually play the role of an intermediary between the main line of the air channel and the linear valves. The main feature of this tool is to create homogeneous and equal pressure along the entire length of the valve, so that the same amount of air comes out from all points along the length of the linear valve and the air outlet speed is the same along the entire length of the linear valve.


slot valve

Linear slot valves have a significant capacity in aeration volume and uniformity of air distribution in the ventilated environment due to their ability to be used for a long time. The place of installation of this valve is on the ceiling or the forehead of the wall. Due to its decorative shape and appearance and the ability to implement it in various geometrical shapes in harmony with the environment, this window has been highly welcomed by architects and engineers.

Laminar flow device

Shahrokhi Technical Institute is a pioneer in the design and manufacture of laminarflow (air flow linearizer) systems in Iran, which provides all the requirements of the air conditioning system of operating rooms in hospitals with continuous researches and in compliance with the world standards. With more than 40 years of experience in the field of making valves and air terminals, this group is a familiar name in the air conditioning industry.

Model: SQ-SD

Solar diffuser valve

The solar valve is used in cleanrooms that do not have suspended particles in the air and also need high flow rate air distribution. The solar valve is often made of aluminum or stainless steel and is ordered and produced without a damper behind the valve and with a filter box or plenum behind the valve with a depth greater than the plenum boxes of normal valves and in different types of electrostatic powder colors (in the aluminum type).

Model: RO SI

Round channel sounder

Channel silencers are suitable for installation in reciprocating ducting systems, including air washers, air conditioners, and unit packages. The sound-absorbing vanes are made of aluminum, and the long length of these vanes and the presence of sound absorption insulation inside them reduce the noise in the environment, according to the performance space.


Louver on the roof

The roof louvres can be installed in the free exhaust and suction channels of the roof, which are designed and manufactured in different types and according to the construction needs, so they have a very wide scope in terms of construction variety. These louvres can be combined with washable aluminum filters and protect the building against particles up to G4.

Shahrokhi Technical Institute, the leading manufacturer of different types of dampers and air diffusers

Manufacturer of numerous types of air distribution, control, and conduction diffusers

Optimal air distribution is one of the four crucial factors of HVAC systems, which is obtained through the precise design and implementation of the ducting system and the use of suitable and standard air diffusers. Shahrokhi Technical Institute proudly offers all kinds of air conditioning diffusers with the INCO logo (Iran National Standard Organization) to our valued customers.

Shahrokhi Technical Institute

Shahrokhi Technical Institute, with more than forty years of activity in the field of air conditioning and installations, through employing experienced forces and capable engineers besides investing innumerable money in engineering, development, and research as well as using modern and sophisticated equipment, has taken significant steps for self-sufficiency and progress in the industry.


This group was established to become the largest producer of air-regulating diffusers and duct dampers in the Middle East. Now by achieving this goal, we play an important role as the founder of the modern diffuser industry in Iran and the Middle East. This company includes manufacturing and commercial groups in the field of the construction industry and facilities of Iran, evoking glory and honor in the domestic and international arenas, for dear Iranians.

Subsidiary companies
new products

special products

Our projects

Some projects of Shahrokhi Technical Institute

Oil, gas and refinery
railroad transportation
تیم ما

لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ

لورم ایپسوم متن ساختگی با تولید سادگی نامفهوم از صنعت چاپ، و با استفاده از طراحان گرافیک است، چاپگرها و متون بلکه روزنامه و مجله در ستون و سطرآنچنان که لازم است، و برای شرایط فعلی تکنولوژی مورد نیاز، و کاربردهای متنوع با هدف بهبود ابزارهای کاربردی می باشد.
حمیدرضا شاهرخی
75194 021 (داخلی 500)
محمدجواد شاهرخی
معاون مدیرعامل
75194 021 (داخلی 555)
خسرو علیدوستی
مدیر مالی
75194 021 (داخلی 303)
احسان اسلامی
مدیر منابع انسانی
75194 021 (داخلی 122)

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