A blast valve is used as an exhaust and supply air valve in defense structures, and military shelters and also to protect industrial sectors exposed to the explosion. This valve is especially suitable for low-pressure applications in oil refining industries. The blast valve can be used in a single-column configuration from 1 to 6 valve blocks in a standard format. The number of blocks in the valve depends on the airflow rate at the desired pressure. When the standard sizes of the valve are not compatible with the dimensions of the installation site, it is possible to make the valve, especially for the required sizes.
Specification of the blast valve
All kinds of industrial dampers and BLV blast valves have been produced and tested for the first time in Iran by Shahrokhi Technical Institute. This valve consists of 3 balanced elements with springs in a slot that blocks the airflow path in response to the positive and negative phases (suction) caused by the explosion.
The function of the blast damper and blast valve is somewhat different. This valve is completely resistant to corrosion. The closing elements of the valve are made of a special anti-corrosion aluminum alloy, all the springs are made of stainless steel, and the valve frame and mold are made of hot galvanized material.
All valve equipment is made of acid-proof steel. This model is specially designed for coastal or other marine applications.
Design criteria:
BLV-S and BLV-G blast valves are designed for explosive load with a minimum peak reflection pressure of 1 bar (100 Kpa). These valves are designed for explosive waves with limited growth time and are tested by simulating hydrocarbon or dust explosions.
Installation location: Installed in explosion-proof buildings to prevent blast waves from penetrating inside
The ability to operate with a pressure difference of 1 bar on both sides and prevent the explosion wave from penetrating inside
Very strong and reliable structure against blast waves
Safe construction due to internal movable springs Application:
Auto reset capability and benefit from the fastest time to reopen the air path
Suitable for air supply and exhaust air
- Battery rooms
- Control rooms
- Switching rooms
- Safe buildings