
Shahrokhi Technical Institute’s duct electric heaters are created with separate heating terminals. Some of these heaters are designed as heating units to be linked to air ducts, while others are constructed as heaters to be connected to equipment like heat pumps, fans, and variable air volume (VAV) terminals.

These heaters control the thermal conditions in the ventilated space with high accuracy by supplying variable heat. Installing duct electric heaters in different parts of a building creates the most flexibility to control each thermal zone.

If the amount of air traveling through the Shahrokhi Technical Institute’s heaters, which have electrically resistant elements and are planned, made, and put in the proper pattern in the air route, is consistent, the heaters will continuously emit heat.


  • In the channels that need heating or reheat
  • Installation as Reheat equipment in variable air volume terminals (VAV Box)
  • Complete control equipment to prevent overheating
  • With precise temperature control according to the need during one stage or two stages
  • The possibility of providing different heating capacities according to the needs of the project
  • Very low bypass factor due to the proper design of the thermal elements


  • In channels that require heating or REHEAT
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